Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!!!

Happy Easter!!!

Wish everyone happy blessed Easter Sunday and cherish this special day with the people you love.

Notice our new banner? We went for outdoor photo shoot to have more good pictures on our new designs. It was a very good day and we chose the beautiful lake, which is not far from our house. :)

Thanks so much to our photographer, Linc SL and here is the link to view more of his art work.

Oh not to forget our very first event at UM Entrepreneur's day!!! It was a blast and we felt very excited that people love our headbands very much! Thanks so much for those who had assisted us on that day and we hope to meet you guys again some day.   Last but not least, thank you so much for all the supports peeps!!!

Keep on spreading the dazzling love!

Here is the link to view the pictures on the Entrepreneur's day

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