Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Ayya - daring and outstanding yet very delicate. This piece is handmade sew and attached to fabric wrapped headband.

Special pricing for the dazzling tales facebook fan - RM 20
Normal Price - RM 25 
Send us your order to dazzlingtales@gmail.com


Inspired from the beauty cold town in Alaska, we made this piece with cotton fabric of different pattern attached together with a vintage button in the middle. The floral design is attached to the wrapped fabric headband and cool to wear for day and night occassions.

Friday, October 7, 2011

FreaKY FridAY

"Lie to me", a Korean hit drama. No, we are not gonna talk about Korean love drama, we just love that headband on Yoon Eun-Hye  - Korean celebrity. Lovely aren't it ?

Saturday, October 1, 2011


We love the RIO movie so much that we've got inspired to design this headband! Don't it make you like to samba all night long?

Special price for the Dazzling Tales facebook fan, only at RM25. Normal price is RM30. To purchase, just send email to dazzlingtales@gmail.com